Thursday, 9 August 2018

The Snow Queen comes to The Regency Town House

We are happy to tell you that one of our Fabula artists, Dagmara Rudkin, is involved in the Arts Council funded project, re-imagining the Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. Dagmara is going to work with other Polish-connected artists based in Brighton: poet, Maria Jastrzebska and composer Peter Copley. Together with director Mark Hewitt and photographer and film-maker Wendy Pye as well as other artists and partners, they will be working for the next 4 months on developing an immersive art and sound installation about the Snow Queen and issues of emigration, isolation and gender. 
Their pilot project will be revealed on the Winter Solstice, 21st of December at Basement of the renowned Regency Town House in Brighton. Here are a few images that show Dagmara's initial ideas - just to wet your appetite!

The making of the beans from The Flower Garden.

Cage prototype

Chair with roots

Crows - paper cut outs

Frozen - experiments

We're pleased to give you this taste of what's to come and we think you'll agree that it looks pretty exciting and promises to be a wonderful installation.
To find out more please look and follow the SnowQ blog documenting their journey. What are your thoughts on the Snow Queen? Please get in touch with Dagmara and her SnowQ partners.

Re-imagining the Snow Queen story